RMeS – Archive

RMeS activities 2023 – 2024

Summer and Winter school

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium

RMeS Winter School | RMa Day

RMeS Summer School 2024: Environmental Media: Imagination, Infrastructure, and Intervention

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

NICA/RMeS Lecture/workshop: ‘De-Colonizing Spice Melange’ with Joseph Crickmore

RMeS Workshop: Designing research to generate social impact: Amplifying diverse voices in media research

RMeS PhD Masterclass: Researching Platform Pedagogies

Surveillance Microcosms: A GDC Masterclass by Dr Mathias Klang

Workshop “Alternative Urban Interfaces for The (Ir)responsible Scancar”

Collaborative Storymapping – a tool to resist mainstream narratives

Speculative Technologies in the Age of Financialization: A Masterclass by Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou

RMeS Workshop: Using Voyant for Exploratory Text Analysis with Professor Laura Mandell

RMeS Masterclass: Streaming and its Implications for National Media by Amanda D. Lotz (Queensland University of Technology)

Algorithms of resistance: The everyday fight against platform power: A Masterclass by Emiliano Treré

Workshop & panel: Relational Interfaces Design

RMeS Masterclass and Public Lecture: Not For You but For Them: Defusing and Reconfiguring TikTok’s Distortions of Time and Memory

Masterclass Digital Digs and Data Dives with Merlyna Lim (Carleton University)

Courses and Tutorials

RMeS RMa course: Platformisation: Transforming key economic sectors and spheres of life

RMeS RMa course: Arts, Life Science and Digital Culture

RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

RMeS RMa course: The Materiality of Cinema


RMeS Kick-off Event

RMeS Conference: All About Media? The Future of Media Studies

Public keynote at RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium: Dr Tetyana Lokot (Dublin City University)

RMeS Public Lecture: Exploratory Text Analysis: Innovative Possibilities for Humanities Research with Professor Laura Mandell

RMeS Public lecture: Screen Stories and Media Microcultures: Navigating Industrial and Critical Challenges by Amanda D. Lotz (Queensland University of Technology)

Symposium Sea Mediations: Hydro-criticism and Tidal Thinking

Symposium: Digital Research Infrastructure – What’s In It For ME?

Public Keynotes RMeS Summer School 2024: Environmental Media: Imagination, Infrastructure, Intervention

Lecture Series: Sound & AI in Cultural Industries

RMeS Digital Ethnography Seminar Series 2024: Tools, Ethics, Futures

RMeS activities 2022 – 2023

Summer and Winter school

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium

RMeS Winter School | RMa Day

RMeS Summer School 2023: Imagophilia: Place, Politics, Passion

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

RMeS Workshop: Context convergence: Exploring the implications of our interconnectedness with contacts, platforms, and spaces

RMeS Workshop: Digital Detox, The Politics of Disconnecting

RMeS Workshop | Environmental Media & More-than-Human Infrastructures

NICA-RMeS Workshop | Computational writing and publishing

RMeS Workshop: Professor Nick Couldry. The Space of the World: Digital platforms and the prospects for human solidarity in the 21st century

Courses and Tutorials

RMeS RMa course: Arts, Life Science and Digital Culture

RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

RMeS RMa Course: Disinformation and Media: Cultures, Infrastructures, and Regulation

RMeS KNIR Course: Media in the (Eternal) City

[urban interfaces] seminar 2022-2023: Creative Urban Methods


RMeS Network Event: Finding your Path in Media Studies

RMeS reading group: current research in Media Studies

Public keynote RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium: Rosa Menkman – Over a decade of glitch moment/ums

Public Keynote RMeS Winter School and Graduate Symposium: Cécile Malaspina – Generative approaches to noise: towards a (not so) new paradigm

Recipients of the RMeS PhD Workshop Grant: Denise Mensonides and Alexander Smit (University of Groningen)

NICA/RMeS Career Event for Young Researchers (in Arts, Media & Culture)

Symposium & Workshop: Critical city-making: exploring design approaches for imagining smart urban futures (part of [urban interfaces] seminar 2022-2023)

RMeS activities 2021 – 2022

Summer and Winter school

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium

RMeS Winter School | RMa Day

RMeS Summer School 2022: Communities of Feeling

Public Keynotes RMES Summer School 2022: Communities of Feeling

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

[urban interfaces] seminar 2021-2022: “The Magic City”

Courses and Tutorials

RMeS RMa course: Arts, Life Science and Digital Culture

RMeS RMa Course: Disinformation and Media: Cultures, Infrastructures, and Regulation

RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

RMeS Course: Reel Israel: Israeli / Palestinian Cinema and TV


RMeS Network Event: Sharing is Caring: Presenting Your Research to the World

Recipient of the RMeS PhD Workshop Grant: Anouk Mols (EUR)

Critical Humanities 2021-2022: Keywords for the Never-Normal

RMeS activities 2020 – 2021

Summer and Winter school

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium

RMeS Winter School | RMa Day

RMeS Summer School 2021: Media, Inequalities and Social Change

Public Keynotes RMeS Summer School 2021: Media, Inequalities and Social Change

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

RMeS Workshop: Renegade audiences? Understanding and exploring the practices of toxic fans, vigilantes, trolls, and provocateurs

Keynote lecture: Creative Practice Ethnography by Professor Larissa Hjorth (RMIT University)

[urban interfaces] seminar 2020-2021: Interfacing the (In)Formal City

RMeS Workshop Transmedia Memory: New Collisions between Media and Memory Studies

Courses and Tutorials

RMeS RMa Course: Fake News, Conspiracy Theories, Disinformation and the Media

RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics – Engaging Objects


RMeS Network Event: Re-Imagining Your Research

Shut Up & Write that PhD!

Recipient of the RMeS PhD Workshop Grant: Dr Rik Spanjers

RUG new host university RMeS

RMeS activities 2019 – 2020

Summer and Winter school

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium 2019-20

RMeS Winter School | RMa Day

RMeS Summer School 2020: Design Thinking and Making for the Humanities

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

RMeS Workshop: Spatializing media / Mediatizing geography (RMeS Workshop Grant 2019-2020)

RMeS lecture: ‘The Making of Deep Mediatization’ by Prof. dr Andreas Hepp (Bremen)

RMeS Workshop: Pioneer Communities and Deep Mediatization with Prof. dr Andreas Hepp (Bremen)

RMeS Workshop: Renegade audiences? Understanding and exploring the practices of toxic fans, vigilantes, trolls, and provocateurs (RMeS Workshop Grant 2019-2020)

Courses and Tutorials

Datafied Society Seminar: Perspectives

RMeS Seminar and Workshop: The Revolution of our Times (in cooperation with Sonic Acts Academy)

RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

The [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2019-2020 – Urban Ecologies

RMeS RMa Course: Contemporary approaches to digital cultures: platforms, politics, performances and people


Recipients of the RMeS PhD Workshop Grant: Dr Leonieke Bolderman and Simone Driessen

RMeS Network Event – Re-Imagining Your Research: Embracing the Future and Regaining Creativity

RMeS activities 2018 – 2019

Summer and Winter school

Winter School & Graduate Symposium

Summer School – Algorithmic Culture and Digital Literacy

Masterclasses, Workshops and Lectures

Masterclass: Spatiotemporal Interface perturbations with Dr James Ash (Newcastle University)

Masterclass: Researching media use (prof. dr Kim Schrøder and prof. dr Rasmus Kleis Nielsen)

Workshop Appnography: Researching the apps of life and the life of apps (RMeS Workshop Grant 2018-2019)

RMeS Workshop: Platforms, Play and Cartography

Masterclass Fandom and Audience Studies Methodologies with Lori Morimoto

Courses and Tutorials

Datafied Society seminar: Governance & Governmentality

RMa Course Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

RMa Course Contemporary Approaches to Digital Cultures Platforms Politics Performances and People

RMeS Seminar: Exploring Death… and Ways to Live

URBAN FRICTION The Right to the City & Urban Commons | the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2018-2019

Research Master’s Seminar: “Imagining the Image”


RMeS PhD & RMa Network Event: How do you… Collaborate with External Partners?

RMeS activities 2017 – 2018

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter School & Graduate Symposium

Summer School – New Materialism

Masterclasses and Lectures

Masterclass: ‘Making Interactive Narrative’ with Prof. Janet Murray (Georgia Tech)

Masterclass: Helen Nissenbaum (NYU) on Privacy as Contextual Integrity

Masterclass: Global Culture of Competition

Workshop: Media Sports and World Building

Courses and Tutorials

RMa Course Trending Topics – Engaging Objects

RMa Course Contemporary Approaches to Digital Cultures Platforms Politics Performances and People

RMeS Seminar: “What, of Art, Belongs to the Present?”

URBAN FRICTION | the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2017-2018


RMeS PhD & RMa Network Event: How do you… disconnect in a digital age?

Symposium: The politics of memory and platforms

The NECS 2018 Conference – Media Tactics and Engagement

RMeS activities 2016 – 2017

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter School & Graduate Symposium

Summer School – Visual Methodologies

Masterclasses and Lectures

Masterclass with Professor Amanda Lotz : Television Didn’t Die, But Internet Distribution Revolutionized It

Lecture: Amanda Lotz – Understanding Creative Change: Why the “Distinction” of 21st Century U.S. Television?

Masterclass with Prof. Laurence Grove (University of Glasgow) & Dr Ian Horton (University of the Arts London): Exposing Comics; Comics, Canonicity and the Museum

Masterclass with professor Paddy Scannell: Media Events: Past, Present and Future

Seminar: ‘The Future of Live’ with professor Paddy Scannell

Masterclass & Guest Lecture with Dr Neil Cohn & Dr Charles Forceville: The Languages of Comics

Masterclass: Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan: Data & Discrimination

Lecture: Our Data Bodies with Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan

Courses and Tutorials

RMa Course Trending Topics – Pushing the Boundaries

Non-theatrical Film

The University as Media Assemblage

Watching it Play (Out)


RMeS PhD & RMa Network Event: How do You…Communicate to a General Public?

RMeS activities 2015 – 2016

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter School & Graduate Symposium
Summer School – Datafied Media Historiography

Masterclasses and Lectures

Masterclass: Charles Forceville (UvA) & Dan Hassler-Forest (UU) – Comics & Cartoons and the Art of Visualizing Information
Masterclass: Prof. Charlie Beckett (LSE) & Prof. Mark Deuze (UvA) – Emotion and the Future of Journalism
Masterclass: Edwin Jurriëns (University of Melbourne, Australia) – Video Vanguard: Towards an Ecology of Indonesian Visual Culture

Courses and Tutorials

RMa Course Trending Topics – Shifting Perspectives
Media and Performance Seminar 15/16 – Performing History in the Age of Digital Technology
Social media and the Transformation of Public Space
Media and Governmentality
Media Audiences: publics, consumers, labourers, producers?
Surveillance and Control: Visible and Invisible Dimensions of Global Media Culture
Transparency / Opacity – Cross Media Seminar 2015-2016

Conferences and Workshops

Worlding the Brain. Patterns, Rhythms, Narratives in Neuroscience and the Humanities


RMeS PhD & RMa Network Event – How Do You…Advance?: Career Paths in and Beyond Media Studies

RMeS activities 2014 – 2015

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter School 2015
Summer School 2015 – Transmedia Storytelling

Masterclasses and Lectures

Masterclass – Mediating Asian Youth: How to Hope in a Precarious Time

Courses and Tutorials

RMa Course – Trending Topics
Revisiting Star Studies
Media and Governmentality
Theories With Heart
Media and Performance Seminar 2014/15 – Magic, Media, Technology
Cross Media Seminar I & II – Conjunctures of the Image: Discipline and Mediality

Conferences and Workshops

Workshop – Peer reviewing for PhD’s and Research Master Students

RMeS activities 2013 – 2014

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter School 2014
Summer School 2014 – News and the Changing Culture of Public Information

Masterclasses and Lectures

Lecture & Masterclass – Adrian Martin: Creative Film Criticism
Masterclass – prof. Nick Couldry: Participation and Voice in Everyday Culture

Courses and Tutorials

RMa Course – Trending Topics
Media Anthropology – Ethnographic Approaches to Cross-Media Cultures
Cross-Media Seminar – Cross Media Trajectories – 2: Circulating Entities: Figures, Symbols, Memes

Conferences and Workshops

Conference – Media Tourism and Media Rituals
Workshop – Returning the gaze: consumption, reception and the ‘audience’ construct
Workshop – Peer Reviewing 
International conference – Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space

RMeS activities 2012 – 2013

Sunmer and Winter school

Winter school
Summer school: Audiences and users

Courses, Seminars and Tutorials

Trending Topics
Tutorial Bernhard Rieder
Tuturial Carolyn Birdsall
Cross-Media Seminar 2012-2013, Semester 1: Cultural Reinvention and Technologies of the Mediated Subject
Cross-Media Seminar 2012-2013, Semester 2: Televisual Encounters with/in the Humanities

Masterclasses and Lectures

Master class – Laura Marks Methods for affective analysis
Master class – Peter Gallison
Master class – Michel Chion: Trans-Sensory Rhythm in Cinema
Master class – prof. Anneke Smelik: Fashion, media & culture
Masterclass – Jane Feuer: Quality, Reality, Interactivity: Strategies of Post-Network Television
Lecture – Jason Mittell, Complex Television: The Poetics of Contemporary Storytelling

RMeS activities 2011 – 2012

Summer and Winter schools

Launch event / Summerschool
Winter school 2011 – 2012
Summer School 2011 – 2012

Keynotes and lectures

Keynote – Lynn Spigel
Public lecture – John T. Caldwell
Master class – John T. Caldwell
Public lecture and masterclass – Nick Couldry
Keynote – José van Dijck