Cross Media Seminar 2012 – 2013
The television team is starting the Cross-Media Seminar this academic year. Organized in collaboration with ASCA, NICA, and RMES, the seminar is open to everyone interested in participating, from Research MA students, to PhD candidates, to academic staff. Graduate students and researchers from other universities are also very welcome.
The theme of the 2012-2013 Cross-Media Seminar is “Cultural Reinvention and Technologies of the Mediated Subject”. Below are details of the meetings in Semester 1. You can also find a more complete description of the seminar here:
Semester 1 seminar meetings (all meetings are from 15.00-17.30)
Friday, September 28
Bungehuis 3.37, Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam
Group reading & discussion: “Life After New Media” by Sarah Kember and Joanna Zylinska
Friday, November 9
Universiteitsbibliotheek Vondelzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam
Sebastian Scholz (UvA): “Re-Locating the Televisual: Space – Image – Technology”
Friday, December 14
BG5 2.13, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 233-237, Amsterdam
Nick Couldry (Goldsmiths): “Doing Things with Media: The Varieties of Media Practice”
If you are interested in participating in the seminar, please contact Markus Stauff ( We hope to see you there!