Overview of grants and external funds acquired by RMeS staff/faculty


Note: This is an overview of acquired grants and external funds by RMeS Staff/Faculty, composed to the best of our knowledge. If you have any additions, please send an e-mail to rmes-fgw.nl.

Subsidies, grants:

I NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)


  • Leonie Schmidt (UvA): NWO-VENI project, “Pop preachers and counter-terror culture: contesting terrorism through social media and popular culture in Indonesia”, 2016-2020.
  • Michael Stevenson (RUG): NWO-VENI project, “The Web That Was”, 2015-2019.
  • Carolyn Gerlitz (UvA): NWO-VENI project, “Numbering Life. Measures and Metrics in Digital Media”, 2014-2018.
  • Tamara Witschge (RUG): NWO-VIDI project, “Entrepreneurship at Work: Analysing practice, labour, and creativity in journalism”, 2015-2019.
  • dr Isabel Awad (EUR): NWO-VENI project, “The tensions of neoliberal democracy and the role of the news media: The case of Chile”, 2011-2014.
  • dr D. Mustata (RUG): NWO-VENI project, “Everyday Matters. Material Historiographies of Television in Cold War Contexts”, 2013.
  • dr Stijn Reijnders (EUR): NWO-VENI project, “Media Tourism. Geographical Imagination in the World of James Bond and The Da Vinci Code”, 2007-2010.
  • dr M.J. Broersma (RUG): NWO-VIDI project “Reporting at the Boundaries of the Public Sphere. Form, Style and Strategy of European Journalism, 1880-2005”, 2007.
  • Anne Helmond (UvA): NWO-VENI project, “App ecosystems: A critical history of apps”, 2017-2020.

NWO Topsectoren: Creative Industries grants

  • dr. Giovanna Fossati (UvA), dr. Eef Masson (UvA) en dr. Harry van Vliet (HvA): Smart Culture grant, “The Sensory Moving Image Archive (SEMIA). Boosting Creative Reuse for Artistic Practice and Research”, 2017-2019.
  • Tamara Witsche (RUG): Smart Culture grant, “Exploring Journalism’s Limits: Enacting and theorizing the boundaries of the journalistic field” 2017-?.
  • dr. Ginette Verstraete (VU): Smart Culture grant, “Re-Source: Participation in reframing residual materials in design theory, design practice and design education”, 2017-?
  • dr Anneke Smelik (RU), dr. Oscar Tómicó (TU/e) en José Teunissen (ArtEZ hogeschool voor de kunsten Arnhem): “Crafting Wearables”, 2013-2018.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) en prof. dr. Marcel Broersma (RUG): “The New News Consumer”, 2013-2018.
  • dr Joost Raessens (UU), prof. dr. Jeroen Jansz (EUR) and dr. Ben Schouten (TU/e): “Persuasive Gaming. From Theory-Based Design to Validation and Back”, 2013-2017.
  • dr Erik Hitters (EUR): “Cultures of Innovation in the Creative Industries (CICI)”. Comparative research in small scale clusters, 2013-2017.
  • dr José van Dijck (UvA) and dr. David Nieborg (UvA): “App Economics and Mobile Games”, 2014-2016.
  • dr José van Dijck, prof. dr. Maarten de Rijke (UvA) and Johan Oomen (Beeld en Geluid): “Project MediaNow .Optimizing the Creative Retrieval Process for the Creative Industries”, 2015-2019.
  • dr Martijn de Waal (UvA) and prof. dr. José van Dijck (UvA): “The Hackable City”, 2015-2017.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer(VU): “The New News Consumer”. 2013-2018. NWO Topsectoren: Creative Industries grants (790.000,=).
  • Martijn de Waal (Prof. dr José van Dijck, co-applicant)  “The Hackable City: Collaborative Citymaking in Urban Living Lab Buiksloterham”. awarded December 2014. (125.000,=)

NWO Vrije competitie

  • dr Stijn Reijnders (EUR): “Locating Imagination. An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Literary, Film and Music Tourism”. Five-year research grant by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO (€ 750.000), 2012-2017.
  • dr. Sonja de Leeuw (UU) with dr. Marijke Meijer Drees (RUG): The Power of Satire: Cultural Boundaries contested, 2009-2013.

NWO – Internationalisering

  • dr T.A.C. Witschge (RUG): NWO-Internationalisering Geesteswetenschappen “Understanding Public Participation. Journalism and Democracy in a Digital Age”, 2012.
  • dr D. Mustata (RUG): NWO-Internationalisering Geesteswetenschappen “Television Histories in (Post) Socialist Europe”, 2013.
  • dr Sandra Ponzanesi (UU): PEN, Postcolonial Europe Network. NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities. 2011-2014.

NWO –Infrastructure

  • professors Julia Noordegraaf and José van Dijck (UvA). NWO Roadmap for Large-scale Research Facilities for CLARIAH (Common Lab and Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), (€12.000.000; of which €2.000.000 for the Media Studies domain), 2015 – 2019.

NWO-PhD in the Humanities

  • dr Susanne Janssen (EUR) and dr Marc Verboord (EUR): “Constructing Cultural Authority. The Online and Offline Evaluation of Popular Music and Fiction Books”, 2014-2019.
  • dr Susanne Janssen (EUR) and prof. dr Stijn Reijnders (EUR): “Living in a Mediatized Society. An Ethnography of Media Rituals in the Netherlands”, 2012-2017.
  • dr Susanne Janssen (EUR) and dr Els Andringa (UU). “Reading suffering. An Empirical Inquiry into Affective and Reflective Responses to Narratives about Mental Pain.”, 2011-2015.


  • dr Maarten de Rijke (UVA) and prof. dr Sonja de Leeuw (UU): “Building Rich Links to Enable Television History Research (BRIDGE) (NWO-CATCH programme): 2009-2013.
  • dr. Sonja de Leeuw (UU) with dr. Andreas Fickers (MU): e-journal VIEW. Journal of European television history and culture (Open Access), 2009-2012.
  • dr M.J. Broersma (RUG) & dr Chris Peters (RUG), with prof. Martin Conboy, University of Sheffield: AHRC-NWO-network “Capturing Change in Journalism. Shifting Role Perceptions at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries”, 2012.
  • dr Frank van Vree (UvA) and prof. dr Rob van der Laarse (UvA/VU): Research program “Dynamiek van de Herinnering”. Research scheme, “The Dynamics of Memory. War, Heritage and Memory in The Netherlands 1940-2010”. (NWO met matching door publieke en private partners, omvang 1,1 miljoen euro), 2010-2014.
  • dr Frank Kessler (UU): “The Nation and its other: The Emergence of Modern Popular Imagery and Representations”. NWO Culturele Dynamiek (€454.000), 2010-2014.
  • dr Anneke Smelik (RU): “Dutch Fashion Identity in a Globalised World”, NWO Culturele Dynamiek, (€ 830.000), 2008-2013.
  • dr Anneke Smelik (RU). HERA ESF grant: “Creativity and Innovation in European Fashion Industries” (€ 3.000 networking event), 2008.
  • dr Joost Raessens (UU): “GATE: Knowledge Transfer: Mobile Learning – Citizen Science”. € 94.000. NWO ICT Regie, 2010-2011.
  • Bram Hendrawan (PhD, UU): NWO Mozaiek, “Local television: A Window to Diversity in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia” (PhD project). (€ 200.000), 2010-2015.
  • prof dr Mark Deuze (UvA): Project: ”Consortium De Journalist”. NWO Kiem subsidie (€15.000), 2014-2015.
  • dr Julia Kneer (EUR) and prof. dr Jeroen Jansz (EUR): NWO Kiem subsidie, “The Fogland Game: Creating and validating a paper prototype of a game to fight smokers”, (€15.000), 2014-2015.
  • dr Anneke Smelik (RU) and VLISCO. NWO KIEM subsidie: “Vlisco: Made in Holland, adorned in West-Africa” ( € 21.000), 2015.
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) with Data Matters, DEN Digital Heritage Netherlands and LIMA, NWO Creative Industries Kiem (€15.000), “Archiving Interactive Media (AIM)”, 2014-2015.
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA), dr. Harm Nijboer (UvA) and dr. Thijs Weststeijn (UvA) with Islands of Meaning and Amsterdam Museum, NWO Creative Industries Kiem (€15.000), “Creative Nodes in Amsterdam’s Artefact-actor Networks (CANAAN)”, 2014-2015.
  • dr. Giovanna Fossati (UvA), dr. Eef Masson (UvA), dr. Jasmijn van Gorp (UU), Christian Olesen (UvA), prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf, with Dispectu, Hiro and EYE Film Institute, NWO Creatieve Industries Kiem (€15.000), “Data-Driven Film History: a demonstrator of EYE’s Jean Desmet collection”, 2014-2015.
  • dr Jaap Kamps (UvA) and others. “ExPoSe: Exploratory Political Search” (plus CDH), 2012 -2017.
  • CATCH: BRIDGE project van prof. dr Sonja de Leeuw (UU), prof. dr Maarten de Rijke (UVA), 2009-2014.
  • CATCH: WebART project van dr. Jaap Kamps (UvA), prof. dr.Richard Rogers and others, 2012-2016.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU), Co-applicant Research project : A study of youth identity, media use and consumption and the public sphere in South Africa. Partners: Rhodes University (School of Journalism and Media Studies), University of CapeTown (UCT) NWO/SanPad (600.000 Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand) 2010- 2013.
  • Ike Kamphof (member of Rmes), dr. Ruud Hendriks (member of WTMC). “Make-Believe Matters. The Moral Role Things Play in Dementia care”. Funded by ZonMW, program Ethiek & Gezondheid, 03/2016-01/2018. Dr. Karin Wenz (MU): “Narrative Fan Practices”, NWO Culturele Dynamiek, (€ 454.026,00​), 2010-2015.
  • Karin Wenz & Dr. Annika Richterich (MU). “Hacking Heritage”, NWO Kiem subsidie ​(€ 15.000), 2014-2015

  • Marijke de Valck (UU), NWO Alfa Meerwaarde grant “Cinefiel Publiek in de Dop? (Cinephiles in the Making?) “, 18.000 EURO, (NWO 15.000, Partner IFFR 3.000) . January – August 2016.

II European Research Council (ERC)

ERC – Starting Grants

  • dr Sybille Lammes (UU). “Charting the Digital: Digital Mapping Practices as New Media Cultures”, (€ 1.422.453), 2011-2016.

ERC – Consolidator Grants

  • dr Jeroen de Kloet (UvA): “From Made in China to Created in China – A Comparative Study of Creative Practice and Production in Contemporary China”. (€1.947.448), 2014.

ERC -overig

  • dr. Sonja de Leeuw (UU): “Video Active, Creating Access to Europe’s Television Heritage”, 2006-2009. Budget € 3.367.848.
  • dr. Sonja de Leeuw (UU): “EUscreen, Exploring Europe’s Television Heritage in Changing Contexts”, 2009-2012. Budget € 5.653.920
  • dr Sonja de Leeuw (UU) and prof. dr. Eggo Müller (UU) with Johan Oomen, Sound and Vision, Hilversum: EUscreenXL, “The pan-European audivisual aggregator for Europeana”. EU Competitiveness and innovation framework programme: CIP Best Practice Network (€ 3.750.000), 2013-2016.

III European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA), Co-applicant Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (Horizon 2020; in total €3.800.000, of which €766.000 for UvA (3 PhDs)), with prof. dr. Renée van de Vall (Principal Applicant and project leader, UM) and 8 other European partners: “New Approaches to the Conservation of Contemporary Art” (NACCA), 2015-2019.

IV Overige


  • dr Jeroen de Kloet (UvA): “Creating the ‘new’ Asian woman: entanglements of urban space, cultural encounters and gendered identities in Shanghai and Delhi” (SINGLE), 2013- 2016.
  • dr. Sonja de Leeuw (UU) with dr. Alec Badenoch (UU): “Transnational Radio Encounters (TRE)”, 2013-2016:.
  • dr Susanne Janssen (EUR): “Popular music heritage, cultural memory, and cultural identity. Localised popular music histories and their significance for music audiences and music industries in Europe” (POPID), 2010- 2013.
  • Prof dr. Bert Hogenkamp (VU) HERA (1Postdoc, 1 PhD), in collaboration with University of Plymouth and University of Applied Arts Vienna, “Technology, Exchange, and Flow: Artistic Media Practices and Commercial Application” (2010-13)


  • Niels van Doorn (UvA), Royal Dutch Academy (KNAW) Fellowship for stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study at Wassenaar (2016)
  • dr José van Dijck and dr. Thomas Poell (UvA). KNAW Over Grenzen subsidie: “Sociale media en de publieke ruimte”. The Future of Public Space: Social Media and the Construction of Identity and Community. Key Words: social media; cultural identities; public space, August 2013 – August 2015.
  • Dr. Ginette Verstraete (VU), Royal Dutch Academy (KNAW) Fellowship for stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study at Wassenaar (2012-2013)
  • Dr Jose van Dijck, “The Future of Public Space: Social Media and the Construction of Identity and Community” Over Grenzen (Crossing Borders) scheme, Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW).( 300,000,=)
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA), Royal Dutch Academy (KNAW) Fellowship for stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study at Wassenaar (2010)

Fondsen/Instanties op het gebied van Media en Journalistiek

  • dr Marcel. Broersma (RUG): Project “Mediaconvergentie en crossmedialiteit”. Gefinancierd door Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers, Ministerie van OCW en NOS-RUG Fonds; (€ 275.000), 2010-2015.
  • dr Jiska Engelbert (EUR): Project, “Nurturing Populism.” Funded by Stichting Media en Democratie (€5.000), 2014.
  • dr Jeroen Jansz (EUR) and dr Mijke Slot (EUR): Project, “Teen Creativity in a Virtual World.” (Stichting Mijn Kind Online). Funded by Digibewust & Digivaardig en Mediawijzernet (€48.000), 2010-2011.
  • dr Bernadette Kester (EUR): Project, “Rechtspraakverslaggeving in een veranderend medialandschap. Een evaluatie van de Persrichtlijn 2008”. Gefinancierd door Raad voor de Rechtspraak (€39.000), 2010-2011.
  • dr Mijke Slot (EUR): Project, “Serious Games”. Funded by Rotterdam Media Council. (€ 16.000) 2013.
  • dr H.B.M. Wijfjes (RUG): Project, “De Hoofdredacteur”. Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers, 2010.
  • dr Huub Wijfjes (RUG) with prof. dr Jo Bardoel (RU): Project, “Journalistieke Cultuur in Nederland”. Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers, 2013.
  • dr Frank van Vree (UvA) and dr Mirjam Prenger, (UvA). Project “Journalistiek in een veranderend krachtenveld: PR, Voorlichting en Empowerment”, (€ 38.3900), Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers, mei 2010; – vervolgaanvraag (€ 11.640), gehonoreerd, 2011.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU): 2015:1: Rapportage Publieksonderzoek Omroepen Zuid-Holland: looptijd september 2014 – februari 2015: financier; RTV Rijnmond & Omroep West  70.000,= (excl. btw).
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) 2015:2: vervolg 2014 PILOTPROJECT MET MINISTERIE VAN OC&W: begeleidingsuren Irene Costera Meijer en Luuk Lagerwerf van de trainees Marloes Rendering en Diana Kreemers.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) 2015:3. Begeleiden en voorbereiden van 2 workshops op basis van onderzoek van Ferro Explore met beleidsmedewerkers van het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie (2015) € 2250 excl btw.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) 2014.1: Onderzoeksrapport  ten behoeve van de beroepsprocedure bekostiging 2013 van Omroep West en RTV Rijnmond. looptijd april 2014 – juli 2014. Financier: Omroep West en RTV Rijnmond € 6525,= excl. btw
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) 2014.2: bijdrage hoofdstuk Journalistieke Cultuur in Nederland, € 1500,= voor ondersteuning onderzoek
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU) 2014.3: PILOTPROJECT MET MINISTERIE VAN OC&W: begeleidingsuren Irene Costera Meijer en Luuk Lagerwerf van de trainees Marloes Rendering en Diana Kreemers € 4500,=
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU), (2013) Project: Regionale nieuwsdichtheid en publiekstevredenheid. Financier; Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers. € 15.548,50 & (12.738)  = €  28.287 euro.
  • dr Irene Costera Meijer (VU), NOS Nieuws: ‘Masters in residence’ twee onderzoeksprojecten: (Embedded research) bij NOS Nieuws. (€27.600,=).
    – Custom made of Public Service? Nieuwe maatstaven voor waardevolle journalistiek.
    – Transparantie een verrijking voor de burger of een gevaar voor het imago van NOS Nieuws
  • dr. Irene Costera Meijer (VU)  & van den Heerik, R. (2011). Van Boek tot Facebook. Een literatuuronderzoek naar media, seksuele ontwikkeling en diversiteit. Amsterdam: VU, leerstoelgroep Journalistiek. Financier: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Seksualiteit. 10.000,= excl. btw.
  • dr. Irene Costera Meijer (VU),  Mossevelde, E. van, Borger, M. & Kreemers, A.M. (2011). RTV Utrecht is van ons. Een onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en belemmeringen tot het vormen van een nieuwsgemeenschap. Financier : Editorial Board  RTV Utrecht  € 30.000 euro (ex. btw)
  • dr. Irene Costera Meijer (VU), Project: Reinventing quality journalism in the digital age (2010 – 2015) gefinancierd door Stimuleringsfonds voor de Pers & Center for Advanced Media Research Amsterdam. € 332.600,=
  • dr. Irene Costera Meijer (VU), 2010 De maatschappelijke betekenis van RTV Noord-Holland. Financier: RTV Noord-Holland. € 10.000 € (excl. Btw)
  • dr. Irene Costera Meijer (VU),  2009/10, Een leesbare wijk. De impact van wijktelevisie. Financier:  Vrienden van Uindewijk (Mitros, RTV Utrecht, gemeente Utrecht) & Ministerie van VROM/Wonen, Wijken, Integratie   € 62.370, – excl btw


  • Christian Olesen (UvA), with Liliana Melgar (UvA), Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, and EYE Film Institute: CLARIAH Research Pilot (€40.000), “MIMEHIST (Annotating EYE’s Jean Desmet Collection: Towards Mixed Media Anlaysis in Digital Media History)”, 2017-2018.
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) and Lora Aroyo (VU): Amsterdam Academic Alliance (UvA&VU Boards) Data Science Grant (€279.000), for the postdoc project “Representation of Data Quality”, 2015-2018.
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA), prof. dr. Rens Bod (UvA), prof. dr. Lia van Gemert (UvA), prof. dr. Joep Leerssen (UvA), prof. dr. Maarten de Rijke (UvA) and dr. Jaap Kamps (UvA): Research Priority Area Grant (University of Amsterdam Board), awarded to the Amsterdam Centre for Cultural Heritage and Identity, for the program “Creative Amsterdam: An E-Humanities Perspective (CREATE)”, (additional funding of €429.000 per year), 2013-present.
  • dr Tamara Witsche (RUG) EU Innovation ACT “INJECT” (work package leader; management team; PI: Neil Maiden, City University London) 2016
  • dr Tamara Witsche (RUG) Australian Research Council grant “Journalism Beyond the Crisis” (international research partner; PI: Brian McNair, Queensland University of Technology). 2016
  • dr Payal Arora (EUR): EUR Fellowship (Erasmus University), “Virtual parks: conceptualizing leisure spaces in the digital age”, (€135.000), 2012-2014
  • dr Payal Arora (EUR): 2016 Research funding for policy report from UNESCO “Prizes for innovations in the ICTs in Education sector” (10,000$)
  • dr Payal Arora (EUR): 2015: Digital Public Engagement Grant by the Dutch Brewers Association (10,000€)
  • dr Payal Arora (EUR): 2014: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) Workshop Grant (with F.Vermeylen) on the ‘New Cultural Commons Project’ (9,500€)
  • dr Payal Arora (EUR): 2014: General Electric Fellowship on the ‘Industrial Internet Project’ (20,000€)
  • dr Marcel Broersma (RUG) and dr Todd Graham (RUG): Project, “Twitter Politics. Social Media, Political Reporting and Online Politics”., gefinancierd door Gratama Stichting), 2013.
  • dr Susanne Janssen (EUR):  Research Excellence Initiative (REI) Grant (Erasmus University). “Transformations in the Production and Reception of Media and Culture”. (€2.000.000), 2014-2018.
  • dr Joost Raessens (UU): “Identity and Interdisciplinarity in Games and Play Research”. € 60.287,43. Erasmus LLP Intensive Programme (IP), 2014.
  • dr Frank Kessler (UU) and dr Sarah Dellmann (UU): JPI Heritage: “A Million Pictures: Magic Lantern Slide Heritage as Artefacts in the Common European History of Learning”, 2015-2018.
  • dr Sandra Ponzanesi (UU): Mig@Net, 7th European Framework Programme on “Transnational Digital Networks: Migration and Gender.” Utrecht Project Leader, Work packages 6: Education and Knowledge – Work packages 7: Religious Practices, 2010-2013.
  • dr Sandra Ponzanesi (UU): High Potential Project: “Wired Up, Digital Media as Innovative Socialization Practice for Migrant Youth”. Financed by Utrecht University CvB, 2007-2012.
  • dr Jaap Kamps (UvA) and others: DiLiPaD: Digging into Linked Parliamentary Data (plus E-science), 2014.
  • dr Jaap Kamps (UvA) and others: meSch: Material EncounterS with digital Cultural Heritage, 2013 – 2017.
  • dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) and Carla van Boxtel (UvA, PI): SNS Reaal Fonds, Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum, Van Goghmuseum, Mondriaan Fonds, Landelijk Expertisecentrum Mens- en Maatschappijvakken, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Faculty of Humanities UvA (€300.000), PhD project “Rondleiden is een vak! Professionalisering van rondleiders en verbetering van educatieve rondleidingen in kunst- en historische musea”, 2013-2018.
  • Embedded researcher, prof. dr. Julia Noordegraaf (UvA), with City Archives of Amsterdam, Picturae and University College London: Centre for Digital Humanities/Creative Industries Research Center Amsterdam (Faculty of Humanities UvA) (€30.000), “Modeling Crowdsourcing for Cultural Heritage”, 2013-2014.
  • dr Jaap Kamps (UvA) and others: v-must: Virtual Museum Transnational Network, 2011- 2015.
  • dr Jacco van Sterkenburg (EUR): EUR Fellowship (Erasmus University). “Audiences of televised football: meanings given to race, ethnicity and gender” (€135.000), 2014-2016.
  • Dr Ginette Verstraete (with Javier Gimeno Martinez) embedded researcher in the context of the VU-UvA Creative Industry intiative. (30.000) Partner: Amsterdam Museum. 2013
  • Dr Ginette Verstraete  (with Martina Roepke) embedded researcher in the context of the VU-UvA Digital Humanities intiative. (30.000) Partner: Institute for Sound & Vision. 2012
  • Dr Ginette Verstraete (with Javier Gimeno Martinez) embedded researcher in the context of the VU-UvA Creative Industry intiative. (30.000) Partner: Waag Society. 2012

Overig Europees

  • Dr Pepita Hesselberth, DFF-Individual grant of the Danish Council for Independent Research for a project on “DIsconnectivity in the Digital Age,” 2016-2018