Date: February 6, 2025, 11:00 Location: University of Groningen, Academy Building This dissertation investigates how children aged 8 to 12 develop digital literacies in ways that are personally meaningful to them. It highlights the role of different social contexts, such as the home, school and afterschool care, in these processes. Through longitudinal participant observations and interviews […]
Two-day workshopping conference for collaborative research experts and those who want to get into the game! Dates: April 7–8, 2025 Location: De Zalen van Zeven, Utrecht, The Netherlands Instructors: Dr. Karin van Es, Dr. Dennis Nguyen, Dr. Bart Kamphorst and Dr. Mirko Tobias Schäfer ECTS: 2 EC For: PhD candidates and enthusiastic research master students seeking to […]
27 February 2025 | Utrecht University
Peer review is one of the cornerstones of modern academia, an essential service that every academic will at some point be asked to perform. Most students will already be familiar with the practice of giving peer feedback, but how does ‘real’ academic peer review work? What is the purpose of a peer reviewer, and what is not? What happens to a review once it has been submitted? What makes a good peer review? And how do you avoid becoming the much-maligned ‘Reviewer #2’? In this workshop, we will address these questions and more.
In the seventh episode of Talk Media to Me, PhD Council member Bjorn Beijnon (UvA) and his colleague Roselinde Bon (HU) talk about the prominent political role that big tech companies seem to be taking currently in the United States. They discuss how the second term of Trump is setting the stage for more political […]
Application deadline: 31 January 2025
Are you an RMA student passionate about media studies and eager to have a voice in shaping the direction of the RMeS PhD program? We want YOU to join the RMeS PhD Council!
6 February 2025 | University of Amsterdam
In this seminar, after an overview of the history of Canadian comics and how contemporary comics are produced, distributed and received in Canada, we will concentrate more specifically on comics that focus on Indigenous topics and ecological issues to investigate how the medium is used to address and advocate for increased visibility of indigenous culture and the natural world. The often-reductive conflation of the indigenous into the natural here serves as a way in which indigenous creators grab attention, but also as a cultural construction to be interrogated.
7 February 2025 | EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam
Do you prefer to spend your time on Letterboxd or are you simply interested in cinema, history and museum curation? On Friday, February 7, 2025, the Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) is organizing an inspiring visit to the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy an exclusive guided tour that takes you through the brand new exhibition about renowned Turkish director and photographer Nuri Bilge Ceylan, as well as the museum’s permanent collection.
29 January 2025 | Maastricht University
“The Line Graph and the Slave Ship” returns to the eighteenth-century origins of modern data visualization in order excavate the meaning—and power—of visualizing data. Exploring two examples of early data visualization—the line graphs of British trade data included in William Playfair’s Commercial and Political Atlas (1786) and Description of a Slave Ship (1789) created and circulated by a group of British antislavery activists—this talk will connect Enlightenment theories about visual and statistical knowledge to contemporaneous ideas about personhood and race.
Send your proposal before February 15, 2025.
Are you passionate about sharing original research with new generations of students and scholars you admire? Have you been sitting on an idea for organizing a workshop in your area of expertise, but you don’t have the funds to do so? RMeS has got your back!
Send your proposal before February 15, 2025.
Are you passionate about sharing original research with new generations of students and scholars you admire? Have you been sitting on an idea for organizing a workshop in your area of expertise, but you don’t have the funds to do so? RMeS has got your back!
PhD Ceremony: Denise Mensonides – Navigating the Digital Playground
/in RMeS News /by Karlijn AchterbergDate: February 6, 2025, 11:00 Location: University of Groningen, Academy Building This dissertation investigates how children aged 8 to 12 develop digital literacies in ways that are personally meaningful to them. It highlights the role of different social contexts, such as the home, school and afterschool care, in these processes. Through longitudinal participant observations and interviews […]
Impact Conference: Making a Difference. Societal Impact through Collaborative Research
/in RMeS News /by ChantalTwo-day workshopping conference for collaborative research experts and those who want to get into the game! Dates: April 7–8, 2025 Location: De Zalen van Zeven, Utrecht, The Netherlands Instructors: Dr. Karin van Es, Dr. Dennis Nguyen, Dr. Bart Kamphorst and Dr. Mirko Tobias Schäfer ECTS: 2 EC For: PhD candidates and enthusiastic research master students seeking to […]
RMeS Workshop: Academic Peer Review and the Art of Constructive Feedback
/in RMeS News /by Chantal27 February 2025 | Utrecht University
Peer review is one of the cornerstones of modern academia, an essential service that every academic will at some point be asked to perform. Most students will already be familiar with the practice of giving peer feedback, but how does ‘real’ academic peer review work? What is the purpose of a peer reviewer, and what is not? What happens to a review once it has been submitted? What makes a good peer review? And how do you avoid becoming the much-maligned ‘Reviewer #2’? In this workshop, we will address these questions and more.
“Talk Media to Me” Podcast S03E07: Strategic Unknowns in the US
/in RMeS News /by Karlijn AchterbergIn the seventh episode of Talk Media to Me, PhD Council member Bjorn Beijnon (UvA) and his colleague Roselinde Bon (HU) talk about the prominent political role that big tech companies seem to be taking currently in the United States. They discuss how the second term of Trump is setting the stage for more political […]
Join the RMeS PhD Council – We’re Looking for an RMA Representative!
/in RMeS News /by ChantalApplication deadline: 31 January 2025
Are you an RMA student passionate about media studies and eager to have a voice in shaping the direction of the RMeS PhD program? We want YOU to join the RMeS PhD Council!
RMeS Workshop: Beyond the 2 Solitudes in the Canadian “Comics World/s”: Ecocriticism & Indigenous Comics
/in RMeS News /by Chantal6 February 2025 | University of Amsterdam
In this seminar, after an overview of the history of Canadian comics and how contemporary comics are produced, distributed and received in Canada, we will concentrate more specifically on comics that focus on Indigenous topics and ecological issues to investigate how the medium is used to address and advocate for increased visibility of indigenous culture and the natural world. The often-reductive conflation of the indigenous into the natural here serves as a way in which indigenous creators grab attention, but also as a cultural construction to be interrogated.
RMeS Media Excursions: EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam
/in RMeS News /by Chantal7 February 2025 | EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam
Do you prefer to spend your time on Letterboxd or are you simply interested in cinema, history and museum curation? On Friday, February 7, 2025, the Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) is organizing an inspiring visit to the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy an exclusive guided tour that takes you through the brand new exhibition about renowned Turkish director and photographer Nuri Bilge Ceylan, as well as the museum’s permanent collection.
Public Keynote RMeS Winter School: Professor Lauren Klein (Emory University)
/in RMeS News /by Chantal29 January 2025 | Maastricht University
“The Line Graph and the Slave Ship” returns to the eighteenth-century origins of modern data visualization in order excavate the meaning—and power—of visualizing data. Exploring two examples of early data visualization—the line graphs of British trade data included in William Playfair’s Commercial and Political Atlas (1786) and Description of a Slave Ship (1789) created and circulated by a group of British antislavery activists—this talk will connect Enlightenment theories about visual and statistical knowledge to contemporaneous ideas about personhood and race.
Call for Proposals: RMeS PhD Workshop Grant
/in RMeS News /by ChantalSend your proposal before February 15, 2025.
Are you passionate about sharing original research with new generations of students and scholars you admire? Have you been sitting on an idea for organizing a workshop in your area of expertise, but you don’t have the funds to do so? RMeS has got your back!
Call for Proposals: RMeS RMa Workshop Grant
/in RMeS News /by ChantalSend your proposal before February 15, 2025.
Are you passionate about sharing original research with new generations of students and scholars you admire? Have you been sitting on an idea for organizing a workshop in your area of expertise, but you don’t have the funds to do so? RMeS has got your back!