WANTED: RMeS PhD council members
WANTED: RMeS PhD council members
The RMeS PhD council is looking for new members! Do you want to know more about the workings of a national research school? Do you feel called to represent the media studies PhDs from your university? Do you enjoy organizing events, meeting people from different universities, and finding creative ways to inform fellow PhDs about the newest development in the field? Then the council needs you!
The PhD council exists of one PhD student of each university affiliated with RMeS and meets once per month (usually online). We advise the RMeS board on the school’s curriculum, organize the yearly kick-off event in September, and have the freedom to organize and create additional things relevant to media studies RMa and PhD students. For example, the council created the podcast In Media Res to create a platform where media scholars can share experiences and advice with graduate students.
The PhD council currently has vacancies for members of the following universities:
- Maastricht University
If you are interested, please fill out this Google Form before 30 September 2024. The PhD council will contact you after the deadline.
For questions, feel free to contact Bjorn Beijnon (b.beijnon[at]uva.nl)
We look forward to hearing from you!
The RMeS PhD council
Bjorn Beijnon, Dennis Jansen, Sanna McGregor, Maud Rebergen, Zheyu Shang & Bartosz Zerebecki