Academic Integrity in Media Studies
Academic integrity deals with the need for researchers to account for their individual research conduct in the context of norms and values shared in their disciplinary field and in the scientific community at large. This document describes some dilemmas most common in the (inter)disciplinary field of media studies, which methods are grounded partly in the social sciences and partly in the humanities. PhD candidates are required to reflect on their own practices in relation to standards developed in their field. This document spells out various forms of academic integrity breach; it also proposes some general guidelines and offers specific examples. We do not pretend to offer prescriptive rules or legal standards; in general we want to make every researcher aware of the norms and values involved in every step of the research process and make one accountable for decisions taken during this process.
Therefore following document has been compiled and revised by members of Advisory Board of the Netherlands Research School for Media Studies and has been added to by graduate students. It is a “living” document, which will be refined and amended as we go along and find more instructive examples of academic integrity consolidation. Academic integrity is a standard subject in the education of PhD candidates.