RMeS Summer School 2016: Utrecht University
Datafied Media Historiography
When? June 22 – 24, 2016
Where? Utrecht University, The Netherlands
For? PhD Candidates and RMa Students
ECTS? 2 ECTS / 5 ECTS (with paper)
Organizers? Prof. Frank Kessler (UU) & Prof Mark Deuze (UvA/RMeS)
Confirmed speakers:
Prof. dr Barbara Flueckiger (University of Zurich) | Prof. dr Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) | Prof. dr Sonja de Leeuw (UU) | Prof. dr Eggo Müller (UU) | Dr Jasmijn van Gorp (UU) | Dr Sabine Lenk (UAntwerpen)
The numerous initiatives worldwide to digitize newspapers, books, trade journals, photos, posters, films and other source material for media historical research have radically transformed our field. From a situation of scarcity of accessible material we have come to a situation of abundance, maybe even overabundance. In addition, digital tools allow to develop new research questions based on ‘big data’ and ‘distant readings’. These new possibilities, however, lead also to new challenges, as we have to learn to critically assess the digitized materials, the databases in which they are made available as well as the digital tools we use to explore them. So what does source critique mean for datafied media historiography? How does the digitized artifact, text or image relate to its analogue counterpart? What kind of bias can there be in a database and how can we take it into account when extracting data from it? What impact does the choice of a given tool have?
These questions will be discussed during the three days of the summerschool through lectures and workshops. PhDs and RMA students will learn about the possibilities of doing media history with the aid of digital tools, but also about the need to critically assess the digitized materials and digital tools.
Wednesday 22 June 2016
Venue: Drift 25, 002
Opening: Presentations, Introduction by Prof. dr Frank Kessler (UU)
Prof. dr. Eggo Müller (UU) Lecture/Workshop:
Curating Europe’s audiovisual heritage online: The EUscreen project
Dr Jasmijn van Gorp (UU) & Prof. dr Sonja de Leeuw (UU) Lecture/Workshop:
Digital media archaeology as methodology for (historical) digital tool criticism
Thursday 23 June 2016
Venue: Drift 25, 002
Prof. dr Barbara Flueckiger (University of Zurich) Masterclass:
Theory and Application of Digital Humanities Tools for Media Studies
Prof. dr Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) Lecture/Workshop 3:
Reusing Digital Heritage in Data-Driven Historiography
Coffee Break
Prof. dr Barbara Flueckiger (University of Zurich) Keynote:
A Digital Humanities Approach to Film Colors
Friday 24 June 2016
Venue: Drift 25, 102.
Dr Sabine Lenk (UAntwerp): Lecture/Workshop 4
The Digitization of Artefacts, Or: What happens when we make pixels from silver grains?
General discussion
Dr Maryn Wilkinson (UvA): Master Class for RMA students who are planning to write a paper for the Summer School.