Winter school Maastricht
Winter School 2012-13
When? Thursday January 31 and Friday February 1, 2013
Time? See programme
Where? Maastricht University, Spiegelzaal, Grote Gracht 80-82, Maastricht
For whom? PhD candidates
Fee? PhD candidates & RMa students enrolled with RMeS: free
PhD candidates & RMa students enrolled with other research schools: contact us for funding information
Non-members: € 100,00
Credits? 2 ECTS
Organized by? prof. José van Dijck (UvA) and prof. Renée van der Vall (UM), on behalf of the RMeS Advisory Board
This Winter School will consist of three different sessions: 1) presentations, 2) research talks and 3) a practical session on research ethics and academic integrity.
1) The Winter School is partly a graduate seminar, offering the opportunity to present your work-in-progress, so your peers and faculty members can critically assess your work and give constructive feedback and support. PhD candidates can opt to give a presentation on their dissertation in the making.
2) The Winter School also offers two talks by distinguished researchers:
dr. Karin Wenz (UHD, Univ Maastricht), on Fan Practices and Remix Culture;
and prof. dr. Anneke Smelik (Radboud University), on Fashion and Cultural Identity.
3) Finally, this Winter School graduate seminar will also offer a session on academic integrity and research ethics in Media Studies. In recent months, academic integrity has gained high priority on the agendas of KNAW and universities. The Royal Academy of Science issued a report in September 2012. This session will discuss the relevance of these issues for Media Studies researchers, particularly at the PhD level. The session will be introduced and chaired by José van Dijck, member of the KNAW Integrity Commission.
Practical matters
The graduate seminar is for PhD candidates only. It will take place in the beautiful town of Maastricht, at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (UM FaSoS; exact locations will be announced). We will start Thursday January 31 at 1 PM until 5, and reconvene the next day at 9.30 AM, continuing until 3 PM (see program below). We invite you for dinner on Thursday night at a restaurant in Maastricht. On Friday, lunch will be served at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Conference hotel for the occasion is Hotel De la Bourse, but you are free to book accommodation wherever you want. Hotel de la Bourse offers one-person rooms (€60), two-person rooms for use of one (€64), and two-person rooms (€82; conference prices, including breakfast but excluding tax). When booking, make sure to mention “winterschool RMeS” to receive the conference discount. This discount also applies to the night of 28-28 January.
If you are not reimbursed by your own faculty for travel and accommodation, there is small RMeS fund to which you can apply for reimbursement. Send an e-mail before December 15th, 2012, to mrs. Chantal Olijerhoek at; include your contact details, a cover letter explaining for which costs you request reimbursement, and a brief (1 A4) resume.
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Assignments and readings
During their three or four-year membership of RMeS, all PhD researchers are obliged to present their research at the winter school/graduate seminar at least once (or more if they prefer). You can therefore choose whether to present this year; otherwise you will asked to present next year or the year after. If you participate as a listener, you will be required to do so actively and provide well-balanced feedback.
Depending on your research topic and progress of your dissertation, you can also choose to present more than once.
We ask each participating presenter to submit one of their chapters or chapters-in-progress of their dissertation, as well as a one page-outline of the dissertation. As we have PhD candidates working in various stages of the process, we will organize the feedback process to accommodate these various levels. Please send in your chapter and outline to Deadline: January 15, 2013. Feel free to indicate in the outline which elements of your chapter specifically you welcome feedback on.
A week before the Winter School, we will make all submitted chapters available to all participants, to read and prepare in advance.
During the Winter School, the presenting PhD candidates will give a 10-15 minute presentation (audio-visual and/or oral). This is an introduction to your research and the chapter you have submitted, ideally containing one or two specific examples. Each presentation will receive prepared feedback by one specific peer reviewer, as well as from all participants and faculty present at the meeting.
Please register before december 5, 2012.