Seminar: ‘The Future of Live’ with professor Paddy Scannell
Seminar: ‘The Future of Live’
with professor Paddy Scannell
When? Thursday 8 December 2016, 16.00 – 18.00 (followed by drinks)
Where? Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21 (Utrecht)
Liveness is a persistent and much-debated concept in media studies. Until recently, it was associated primarily with broadcast media, and television in particular. However, the emergence of social media has brought new forms of liveness into effect that challenge common assumptions about and perspectives on liveness. An understanding of liveness that explains its various meanings and applications to rather different media remains remote. In celebration of the publication of the The Future of Live (2016), this seminar interrogates the concept ‘live’ with Paddy Scannell and Karin van Es. It explores the different approaches to studying the live in media studies and clarifying the stakes surrounding the category.
16.00 – Intro by professor Eggo Müller
16.10 – ‘Television and the Meaning of Live’ professor Paddy Scannell
16.40 – ‘Liveness Redux’ – Dr Karin van Es
17.00 – Break
17.15 – Roundtable on the Future of Live (ft. Dr Alec Badenoch and Dr Judith Keilbach)
18.00 – Drinks (location: bar Kromme Nieuwegracht 20)
Please register for the event here
Also note that Friday 9 December professor Scannell will host a masterclass on ‘Media Events’| 10.00 – 13.00 | de Vondelzaal (UBA, Singel 425) | University of Amsterdam.