Public lecture by Amanda D. Lotz (Queensland University of Technology)
Screen Stories and Media Microcultures: Navigating Industrial and Critical Challenges
When: 15 April 2024
Time: 15.30-16.45
Where: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Langeveld 0.10 (CHANGED LOCATION)
For: PhD Candidates, RMa students and staff members in Media Studies.
Registration: For attendance Public lecture only, you can register via THIS LINK
You can register for the masterclass via THIS LINK. PhD Candidates and RMa students who register for the masterclass, are automatically registered for the public lecture.
This talk draws from Dr. Lotz’s forthcoming book After Mass Media: Microaudiences and Twenty-first Century Screen Stories (working title) that explores how the dominant and “normal” operation of commercial screen storytelling becomes a business of attracting microaudiences, what that means for the stories that can be told, and the implications for the cultural roles of screen storytelling. The project connects two decades of research about television industry change to shifts and expansion in the universe of commercially viable stories. The project aims to trouble conventional understandings tied to norms now past and pave a way to investigating and theorizing the cultural roles of screen stories beyond those of mass consumption.