RMeS Masterclass: Fandom and Audience Studies Methodologies with Lori Morimoto
When? Monday 01 July 2019
Where? HU University of Applied Sciences, Creative Business – Room number: 3.072, Heidelberglaan 15 Utrecht
For? PhD Candidates and RMa Students
ECTS? 1 ECTS (for RMa Students and PhD candidates only)
Confirmed Speakers? Lori Morimoto, Dr Jessica Seymour, Dr Anne Kustritz & Dr. Dan Hassler-Forest
Organization and introduction? Dr Nicolle Lamerichs
Biography invited speaker
Lori Morimoto researches transcultural fandoms and East Asian regional media. Her recent work includes chapters in The Companion to Fandom and Fan Studies, Routledge Companion to Media Fandom, Seeing Fans: Representations of Fandom in Media and Popular Culture, and the forthcoming Transatlantic Television Drama and Becoming: Essays on NBC’s Hannibal. She has published in Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (with Bertha Chin), Transformative Works and Cultures, [in]Transition: Journal of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies, Asian Cinema, and has an article forthcoming in Journal of East Asian Popular Culture. Her outreach projects include The Fan Meta Reader, which showcases fan-penned media and fan cultural analysis for a non-fandom audience, and Fan Studies for Fans, a 10-lecture series for fans wanting to learn more about fan studies scholarship.
Biography organizer
Dr. Nicolle Lamerichs is senior lecturer and team lead at Creative Business at HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht. She holds PhD in media studies. Her book Productive Fandom explores intermediality and reception in fan cultures. Her research focuses on participatory culture and new media, specifically the nexus between popular culture, storytelling and play.
12:30 Registration with coffee and lunch
13:00 Introductions
Getting to know each other and short welcome by Dr. Nicolle Lamerichs
13:30-14:30 Opening lecture
Lecture on transcultural research, fandom and methodology by Dr. Lori Morimoto
Respondents: Dr. Anne Kustritz & Dr. Dan Hassler-Forest
14:45-16:00 Fan Studies Panel
Talks about fan and audience methodologies by amongst others Dr. Jessica Seymour, Dr. Anne Kustritz & Dr. Dan Hassler-Forest, including round table discussion.
16:00-17:00 Tips and Tricks in Cultural Research
RMeS students bring questions and struggles that the panel of fan scholars responds to. RMeS students read the literature and relate it to their own work.
17.00 Drinks and Snacks
Assignment for participants
Assignment: Bring questions and examples from your own work. Please read the literature before the workshop, and formulate questions regarding the topics.
- Lamerichs, N. (2018). ‘Fan Membership: Traditional and Digital Fieldwork’. I Productive Fandom. Intermediality and Affective Reception in Fan Culture. Retrieved from: http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=1001770
- Morimoto, L. & Chin, B. (2013). ‘Towards a theory of transcultural fandom’. In: Participations, 10 (1). Retrieved from: http://www.participations.org/Volume%2010/Issue%201/7%20Chin%20&%20Morimoto%2010.1.pdf
Creative Business. Institute for Communication (floor 3), Heidelberglaan 15, Utrecht Science Park, Utrecht
Public Transport: Take bus 12 or 28 from Utrecht Central Station for approximately 15 minutes in the direction of Uithof (Stop: Heidelberglaan).
By car: Parking locations