RMeS Masterclass: Online interviewing as a research method
When: 1 November 2024
Time: 10:00 to 16:30 followed by drinks
Where: University of Groningen, room 1312. 0018 (Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26)
Organizers: RMeS PhD Council
For: PhD Candidates and RMa students in Media Studies, who are a member of a Dutch Graduate Research School (onderzoekschool)
Registration is now open VIA THIS LINK. Registration will close on 21 October 2024.
Guest speakers: Deborah Castro (RUG), Annamária Neag (RUG), Koen Leurs (UU) (online) and Daniel Trottier (EUR)
Join us for a comprehensive, full-day in-person masterclass that delves into the growing significance of online interviewing as a research method. Tailored to the specific needs of participants, this masterclass will cover key topics such as comparing online and offline interviewing approaches, addressing ethical considerations unique to online research, and providing practical strategies for conducting effective online interviews. The masterclass will feature contributions from expert speakers, including members of ethics boards from leading universities with extensive experience in research ethics and interviewing. Lunch and refreshments are included, offering valuable opportunities for networking and scholarly exchange with peers.