RMeS Winter School | RMa Day
When: 28 January 2022
Time: TBA
Where: Radboud University Nijmegen
Organized by: Dr Niels Niessen, Prof. dr Anneke Smelik, Dr Yosha Wijngaarden and RMeS
Open to: 2nd-year RMA students who are a member of RMeS
Registration | Register before December 20, 2021
This year we will organise a special RMa Day during our RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium.
The sessions during the RMA Day of the RMeS Winter School will be primarily intended for 2nd-year RMA students, so that they can present their thesis proposals and receive constructive feedback from peers. It’s also possible to present another research topic you’re currently working on. The RMa students that wish to take part will have to contribute the following:
- A brief thesis proposal or abstract of your research topic (1-2 A4) that will be collected prior to the event and circulated among fellow RMa Students and Winter School teachers.
- An 8-10-minute presentation on the day itself, which should include an introduction to the subject matter, the method/approach, expected outcomes, and the significance of the research for the field.
- A written response to a peer (participants will serve as respondents to each other’s presentations), of 3-5-minutes, that presents questions, notes, and constructive feedback.
The overall exercise is intended to provide RMa students with the opportunity to present work and respond to an Q&A like they would in a symposium or conference, and also to receive feedback on their research proposals.
The program will feature a keynote event (lecture and workshop) with Prof. dr. José van Dijck (Utrecht University) and Geert-Jan Bogaerts (VPRO television and chairman of the Public Spaces-initiative).