Netherlands Research School for Media Studies

The Netherlands Research school for Media Studies (RMeS) is a national network of academic experts in media research. It is organized to advance knowledge on media and to educate young scholars, both PhD candidates and promising RMa students, in classical and cutting edge theories and methodologies in media studies, and to offer them an opportunity to start building a network.

RMeS News & Events

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium 2024-25

29 & 30 January 2025 | Maastricht University
Confirmed keynote speaker: Professor Lauren Klein (Emory University)

The RMeS winter school offers PhD candidates the opportunity to present their current work, and receive feedback from their peers and senior scholars. Presentations can be on any topic students are working on and would like to get feedback on, ranging from chapter and article drafts to research proposals. Students will as much as possible be matched with reviewers that have expertise on their topic.

Content Creators, Platforms and Nuance: The Perils of One-Size-Fits-All Governance: A Masterclass by Carolina Are and Tom Divon

2 October 2024 | University of Amsterdam
We welcome you to a special master class dedicated to exploring research into nuanced creator content and its connected communities. Tom Divon and Dr. Carolina Are will be unpacking the contested digital lives of their ongoing study participants – Palestinian, Jewish, and sex-positive content creators on digital platforms. In this master class, Tom and Carolina aim to uncover the opportunities and challenges these communities face on digital media as researchers deeply embedded within the landscapes and scenarios these participants inhabit. The masterclass will highlight how participants are able to connect under the watchful governance of Instagram and TikTok, which provide them with novel bonding opportunities and workstreams after having faced offline discrimination due to their work, background or style of expression while also rendering their earnings and activism remarkably precarious for the nuances of that same content they produce.

Symposium: From Hinterland to Europapa: Identity and Placemaking in Dutch Popular Music Culture

25 October 2024 | Radboud University Nijmegen
During the symposium “From Hinterland to Europapa: Identity and Placemaking in Dutch Popular Music Culture,” we will explore the intricate interplay between music, identity, and place in the Netherlands. This symposium will delve into various facets of how popular music shapes and reflects cultural identities, emphasizing the contrasts and connections between rural and urban contexts.

RMeS & NICA Workshop: Live cinema workshop with Vincent Moon

18 October 2024 | University of Amsterdam
The introductory lecture by Amir Vudka/Patricia Pisters will set the stage by discussing the theoretical underpinnings of Vincent Moon’s work. Topics will include Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the time-image, Paul Schrader’s transcendental style in film, and the elements of psychedelic cinema.
Following the lecture, students will engage in a dynamic Q&A session with Vincent Moon, including a live demonstration of his mixing and editing techniques of live cinema.

WANTED: RMeS PhD council members

Vacancy PhD Council

WANTED: RMeS PhD council members The RMeS PhD council is looking for new members! Do you want to know more about the workings of a national research school? Do you feel called to represent the media studies PhDs from your university? Do you enjoy organizing events, meeting people from different universities, and finding creative ways […]