Netherlands Research School for Media Studies

The Netherlands Research school for Media Studies (RMeS) is a national network of academic experts in media research. It is organized to advance knowledge on media and to educate young scholars, both PhD candidates and promising RMa students, in classical and cutting edge theories and methodologies in media studies, and to offer them an opportunity to start building a network.

RMeS News & Events

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium 2024-25

29 & 30 January 2025 | Maastricht University
Confirmed keynote speaker: Professor Lauren Klein (Emory University)

The RMeS winter school offers PhD candidates the opportunity to present their current work, and receive feedback from their peers and senior scholars. Presentations can be on any topic students are working on and would like to get feedback on, ranging from chapter and article drafts to research proposals. Students will as much as possible be matched with reviewers that have expertise on their topic.

RMeS KNIR Course | Media in the (Eternal) City

31 March – 6 April 2025 | KNIR – Rome
In collaboration with the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome, RMeS will organize a course on Media in the (Eternal) City.
Media are ambiguous in cities, whether we think of billboards and screens in public spaces, people navigating through cities via maps on their smartphones, cinemas and newspaper buildings, surveillance cameras observing crowds, or tourists taking selfies. Cities as material surroundings and social structures are shaped by media and mediated experiences, while media also shape and structure the lives of people in cities, whether they are inhabitants or visitors. In this course we will therefore explore how media, mediated social life and the city – with Rome as a case – constitute one another.

PhD Defence: Zhen Ye – An Industry was Born: Investigating (gendered) livestreaming cultural production in China

Time: 27 November 2024, 10:30-12:00 Location: Rotterdam University, Campus Woudestijn, Education Center, Senate Hall Livestreaming practices are increasingly influencing Chinese people’s everyday lives in social, cultural, and economic terms. The showroom livestreaming, known as xiuchang zhibo, features various content entertainment from singing and dancing to mundane everyday life activities such as chatting and eating. Whereas e-commerce livestreaming […]

Symposium: Digital culture in the platform era: Future directions of social media research

Time: 27 November 2024, 14:00 – 17:30 Location:  Rotterdam University, Campus Woudestein, Langeveld Building, Room 1-12 On Wednesday 27 November, ESHCC will host the symposium “Digital culture in the platform era: Future directions of social media research”. Instagram, TikTok, as well as many other rising social media platforms have become the fields for digital culture to flourish. […]

RMeS Media Excursions: National Video Game Museum

Join us on December 13th 15.00-17.30 as we kick off the first of many RMeS Media Excursions with a trip to the National Video Game Museum in Zoetermeer! We are introducing the Media Excursions as opportunities for students to engage with media in the cultural sector and society at large. We hope to present an excursion once every two/three months. 

Unfair ID: Digital Identity from Injustice to Resistance: A Masterclass by Silvia Masiero

3 December 2024 – University of Amsterdam
Digital identity systems convert individuals into digital data, which are machine-readable and amenable to administration. Associated to access to public services, social protection and humanitarian schemes, digital identity systems are increasingly linked to the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 16:9: “provide legal identity for all including free birth registrations by 2030”. Such a link is based on the view of digital identity as a force for good, capable to include all those entitled to a given service, programme or humanitarian scheme, and at the same time exclude all the non-entitled.