RMeS educational programme for 2024-2025
We are currently finalizing our educational programme for 2024-2025. We expect to offer the following educational activities:
- RMeS Masterclass with Sarah Healy: Hacking the Anthropocene: A Hands-on Exploration of Post Digital Methods (10 September 2024)
- RMeS Digital Ethnography Seminar Series 2024: Tools, Ethics, Futures
- RMeS Kick-off Event (11 October 2024)
- RMeS Workshop Cautious Labour: Exploring cultural workers’ negotiation of digital visibility in the era of promotional and surveillance culture (4 November 2024)
- RMeS RMa course: Matters of Media in Art-Science: between the organic and the digital (November-December 2024)
- RMeS RMa course: Platformisation: Transforming key economic sectors and spheres of life (November-December 2024)
- RMeS RMa course: Studying Digital Activism (Exact dates t.b.c.)
- RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium (January, 2025)
- RMeS Winter School RMa Day (January, 2024)
- RMeS RMa Course: Trending Topics (February/March 2025)
- RMeS RMa Course: Corpus and Curation (practise-based) (March/April/May 2025)
- RMeS Summer School (expected June 2025)
Masterclasses will be announced during the academic year.
Full programme will be available by the end of September. Registration for most of our events will open Fall 2024. Please register for our newsletter to stay up-to-date.
Please note that the RMeS office is closed from July 18 – August 26, 2024.