Netherlands Research School for Media Studies

The Netherlands Research school for Media Studies (RMeS) is a national network of academic experts in media research. It is organized to advance knowledge on media and to educate young scholars, both PhD candidates and promising RMa students, in classical and cutting edge theories and methodologies in media studies, and to offer them an opportunity to start building a network.

RMeS News & Events

RMeS Winter School & Graduate Symposium 2024-25

29 & 30 January 2025 | Maastricht University
Confirmed keynote speaker: Professor Lauren Klein (Emory University)

The RMeS winter school offers PhD candidates the opportunity to present their current work, and receive feedback from their peers and senior scholars. Presentations can be on any topic students are working on and would like to get feedback on, ranging from chapter and article drafts to research proposals. Students will as much as possible be matched with reviewers that have expertise on their topic.

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